Its all about The Dash

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I want to talk to you about a simple symbol, one that you've seen countless times, perhaps without giving it much thought. This symbol is the dash—the seemingly insignificant line that rests quietly between the date of our birth and the date of our departure on tombstones and memorials across the globe.

This dash, ladies and gentlemen, is where life happens. It's a placeholder for all our joys and sorrows, our triumphs and failures, our laughter and our tears. It represents every person we've loved, every place we've been, every word we've spoken, and every action we've taken. Yet, to the casual observer, it is just that—a dash between two numbers.

It's a profound realization, isn't it? That no matter how long we live, no matter what we achieve, the sum of our existence in the eyes of history is often reduced to this simple line. It doesn't matter if you were rich or poor, famous or obscure, successful or still finding your way. In the end, everyone gets the same dash.

But I'm here to tell you that the dash is not just a symbol of what separates the beginning of our story from its conclusion. Instead, it's a reminder—a call to action, if you will—that while we cannot control its length, we can control its depth and breadth. The dash is our opportunity to fill our lives with meaning, to make a difference in the world, and to leave a legacy of kindness, love, and positive impact.

Imagine for a moment the stories that lie behind the dashes of those who have changed the world. Think of the innovators, the peacemakers, the teachers, and the caregivers. Consider the boundless love of parents, the tireless dedication of volunteers, and the unseen sacrifices of so many who work behind the scenes. Their dashes are rich with stories of resilience, courage, and humanity.

But let's not forget that the dash does not only belong to the extraordinary among us. Each one of us has the power to make our dash meaningful. It's in every word of encouragement we offer, every act of kindness we perform, and every moment we choose to live with purpose. We may not all be remembered in history books, but the impact of our lives—the essence of our dash—can be felt in the hearts and lives of those we touch.

So, I challenge you, as I challenge myself: Let us not live our lives so that we are merely remembered as a dash between two numbers. Let us live so that our dash is a testament to the love we shared, the lives we touched, and the difference we made. It's true, most will never know the full story of what we did or the impact we had, but the beauty of our dash is not in its recognition, but in its significance.

In closing, remember that the length of our dash is finite, but its depth and breadth are ours to determine. Let us make it count. Let us fill it with moments of purpose, acts of kindness, and a legacy of love. For in the end, it is not the years in our life that matter, but the life in our years.

Thank you,

Coach D


90 Day Lifestyle, Leadership & mindset coaching Program